Tuesday, 31 March 2009
China attempts to crack down on scientific fraud

Monday, 30 March 2009
EPSRC considers blacklisting measures

However, the announcements have caused fear and anger in the chemistry community, with concern about the impact of such measures on scientist's careers and potential department closures as a result.
In a letter to the Guardian, Professor Joe Sweeney (University of Reading) states: 'This policy will not increase the number of scientific projects funded: only the success rate will improve. Thus, then it presents the ludicrous possibility that the distribution of public funding for science will now be judged not by quality, but by the amount of money, in a self-destructive negative-feedback loop: the less money available, the less success, and the higher the body count of blacklisted scientists.'
A petition against the policy has been set up on the Number 10 website.
Read the Guardian letter in full.
Read Professor Joe Sweeney's letter in full.
Sign/view the online petition.
Concern over EU Directive revision

- To develop fundamental biological knowledge;
- To help deliver new medicines and treatments for citizens across the globe;
- To protect the health of humans, animals and the environment
The signatories include: Sir Mark Walport (Wellcome Trust), Sir Leszek Borysiewicz (Medical Research Council), Professor Douglas Kell (BBSRC), Simon Denegri (Association of Medical Research Charities), Dr Richard Dyer (Biosciences Federation), Dr Simon Festing (Understanding Animal Research), Kenneth Applebee (Institute of Animal Technology), Chris Brinsmead (Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry) and Aisling Burnand (BioIndustry Association).
Read the Declaration in full.
Thursday, 26 March 2009

Read Doug Kell's blog post in full.
BBSRC on Twitter
Doug Kell on Twitter
Biochemical Society on Twitter
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Science Twitterers

They include:
Science Minister Lord Drayson
The Department of Innovation, Universities and Skills
Science? So What
Secretary of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills John Denham
And, not to be left behind... the Biochemical Society (policy efforts).
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Why is science important?
Science teacher Alom Shaha says, "So, I’ve started this film and blog project in which I want to ask the question “why is science important?” to people who feel the importance of science so deeply that they have dedicated their lives to it — working scientists, science writers and, of course, science teachers. I’m making a documentary, funded by The Wellcome Trust, and running this “collective blog” as I work on the film. Bits from the blog will appear in the film and bits of the film will appear on the blog. The idea is that the two will inform and enrich each other."
Why is Science Important? from Alom Shaha on Vimeo.
Visit the 'Why is science important' website.
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
Please sir?

It is hoped a decision will be made by the end of the month.
Read the BBC article in full.
Monday, 9 March 2009
US reversal on stem cell funding
Read the BBC article in full.
Sunday, 8 March 2009
RCUK poster competition - Perspectives

Finalists display their posters at the British Science Festival in September, at the University of Surrey in Guildford. Cash prizes are awarded by a panel of expert judges.
Perspectives is open to postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers funded by the UK Research Councils.
Deadline for applications: 8 May 2009
For more information, and to apply online, see: http://www.britishscienceassociation.org/perspectives
Call for readers

All applications are initially reviewed by readers who determine the long-list (of approximately 20) applications that are forwarded to the judging panel. Readers are currently being sought to assist with the first round of assessment for the 2009 L’Oreal UK and Ireland For Women In Science fellowships. If you are a senior lecturer or above, we would like to hear from you. The first round of assessment involves scoring the applications against a set of criteria (which is provided). Applications will be sent out in the week commencing Monday 13 April and feedback needs to be received by Friday 8 May. As a token of our appreciation for your help a small honorarium will be given.
If you are interested, then please contact - jcarpen@ri.ac.uk. It would also be helpful if you could confirm the subject areas you feel you can assess, as well as indicate the number of applications you feel you can review.