Tuesday, 4 August 2009
The Sciblorg heads into hibernation
The Sciblorg is heading into hibernation and shall re-emerge shortly with more science policy news than ever before. In the meantime, the Society's twitter page will keep you up to date.
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Policy Lunchbox: Nick Dusic

CaSE has canvassed major and minor political parties alike in the run up to the European Elections on 4 June, asking them to provide details of their science and technology policies. The organisation plan to do the same over the next few months, trying to ensure that science, engineering and technology are a key part of each party's manifesto in the run-up to the general election expected in spring 2010.
Nick urged the learned societies and academies represented around the table to work together to influence the development of party manifestos, creating a clear statement about what science and technology policy should aim to deliver over the coming years. The election offers an opportunity to engage new people with science policy: and one which the scientific community can seize adequately only by working together.
Hustings featuring the spokespeople for the major political parties could offer one means for the scientific community to openly question politicians about their parties' policies on research and development, science education and skills needs. Nick singled out the 'Science '08'' debate, called for by the science academies and universities in America during the US Presidential Election, as an effective way to raise the profile of science, engineering and technology and to encourage candidates to make their positions clear.
Overall, Nick encouraged the science community to work together - and work with CaSE - to make sure that whichever party is called on to form a new Government in 2010 demonstrates a strong commitment to science, engineering and technology.
Policy Lunchbox is an informal network of individuals working in science policy. Find out more about the network and future events we have planned.
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Emily Thornberry endorses the Society's work on women in science

Find out more about the Society's work on women in science.
Emily Thornberry MP website
Monday, 18 May 2009
Wanted: Plumber to fix leaky pipeline of women in science

In his speech Janez Potočnik reflects on the work of the European Commission in addressing the issue of the leaky pipeline and the need for a plumber. He stresses the importance of enthusing children's enthusiasm for science at an early age through means such as 'enquiry-based education'. Stakeholders such as teachers, parents, research managers and research-funding agencies have important roles to play in raising awareness. A new report, which was launched at the conference, looks at the role of research funding agencies as 'part of a systematic effort to map the European research funding landscape from a gender perspective.'
Janez Potočnik calls for proper data upon which grounded and sensible targets can be developed, highlighting the Commissions 'She Figures' reports which bring together data from all Member States. In developing this important resource further, harmonisation of definitions e.g. "academics" is needed.
In looking forward to the future of the Commission's work in this area Potočnik said, "Women and female scientists do not need favours or special conditions. What they need, what you need, is a fair, just and trustworthy environment and consistent policies.
Read Janez Potočnik's speech in full.
Thursday, 14 May 2009
The Race for the Prize

Is it a waste of time and resources when two groups are working on the same thing, unbeknown to one another? Does more than one group working on a topic increase accountability and increase the rigour of results? Is a survival of the fittest ethos the right way to manage global science?
Read Alexis' essay in full.
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Fruits of Curiosity

The deadline for submitting views is Friday 5 June 2009.
Friday, 8 May 2009
Biochemical Society WLTM new Head of Education

We wish to recruit a talented individual who will lead the Education Team, managing and further developing an existing portfolio of activities in support of science education and managing 1-2 staff. Educated to at least A Level standard (although a degree in science, communication or education would be desirable) the successful candidate is likely to have excellent communication and interpersonal skills together with the ability to work independently. Budgetary and event organisation skills would be particularly helpful.
Does this sound like you or someone you know? Find out more
Find out more about the Society's education work.
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